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Build A Decentralized Exchange Like FalconSwap

Create popular decentralized exchange on DeFi like FlaconSwap from Developcoins who are expertise in providing DeFi development services in worldwide

Decentralized Finance DeFi

Build A Decentralized Exchange Like FalconSwap

The fast-moving is upgrading rapidly so the con-artist activity mainly in the exchange of currency so people start to have the safest exchange platform and there come Decentralization concept. People start to transact the digital currency through Decentralized Exchange Platform and here we are going to see about 'Falconswap & How it becomes the fast-growing decentralized exchange platform in a short period?'.

Answer to this question is going to be provided by the best DeFi development company across the globe.
Let's get into the topic...

Table of the Content:

* Overview
* FalconSwap
* Benefits & Features of FalconSwap
* Use-Case of FSW Token
* Developcoins Creates DeFi based Decentralized Exchange Platform Like FalconSwap!


Before directly involve in FalconSwap there are some major things that need to be noted to gain a good view of FalconSwap. Those concepts are,
1. Decentralized Exchange Platform
2. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
3. Uniswap

Decentralized Exchange Platform

When it is coming to the Decentralized topic the well known tempting concept is, no third party will be needed when the digital asset trading takes place. The very basic concept of a Decentralized platform is,

  • Peer-to-Peer network connection
  • No central authority
  • It prevents from fake trading volume & price manipulation
  • Reduced worry of risk about theft
  • Highly secured by Public & Private keys

They are much more to than traits just to enhance this already existing special features. So how the transaction takes place in the decentralization exchange platform means - any cryptocurrency or digital asset is transferred to one party to another through a peer-to-peer network without the involvement of a third-party or central authority. Those transactions are transparent but the asset or crypto coin can only be accessed using public and private keys.

Know more: Decentralized Exchange Development
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) which build to replace the traditional finance service and the name itself defines understanding about its concept in a simple easy way. The best example for the DeFi is Bitcoin and the special part about DeFi is,  
•    Open Community of decentralized finance platform
•    Traditional Finance transaction way across the globe
•    Smart Contract is enabled to improve the scope in every possible way
•   Now DeFi is implemented as dApp to make it become more handy & reachable to peoples
•    It is widely built in the blockchain platform like Ethereum.


Uniswap is one of the fast-growing techie platforms which is developed based on DeFi. It reached huge popularity in a short time because of many attractive things it upholds and one among them is, it stores massive amounts of tokens which are ethereum network-based. Some of its well-known traits are,
•    Global trade
•    Full access over the token
•    Tokens can be swap without the need of any sort of exchange
•    It is a wide decentralized trading platform for ethereum token ERC20
Well, the most attractive part of the Uniswap is,
•    Its trading volume goes 41% high in the marketplace among DEX
•    60% of Uniswap coin will be distributed to their users
•    21.51% of Uniswap coin is reserved for their team
•    17.8% of Uniswap coin is reserved for investors
•    0.69% of Uniswap coin reserved for their advisors
Know more: Create Your Own Decentralized Protocol Like Uniswap


So now we can have a look at the FalconSwap. In simple terms, FalconSwap can be defined as the 2nd layer of Uniswap. Well, when there is already well developed DeFi based Uniswap concept why the need for FalconSwap raised?
The reason is simple to overcome the drawbacks of Uniswap which are,
•    Transaction speed – low
•    Privacy – less
•    Transaction fees – Quite high
•    User-friendliness – The worst
And there are also other advantages of FalconSwap like it has joined its hand with DEXTools to improvise the working process of the platform and many more things can be discussed briefly below.


So FalconSwap had just developed to size out these drawbacks? – Of course no, FalconSwap has its own advantages and specialty that is why it's known as the next layer of FalconSwap instead of the next version.

Process of FalconSwap

FalconSwap working process is explained in simple terms here, have a lookout...
FalconSwap works as the second layer of Uniswap and also aids other DeFi platforms too plus its main process is that - It aid to aggregate all the trading orders before it passes to the liquid pool sector where trading takes place. It doesn’t send all order aggregation directly to the liquid pool, it first checks with its integrated matching sector,
•    If the order match - it works done by itself and
•    If the order, not matches - then it is passed to the liquid pool.
DEX Aggregation is the most important part of FalconSwap - it holds out aggregation orders across various multiple liquid pools like Uniswap, Mooniswap, Balancer, Kyber, etc.

Benefits & Features of FalconSwap

As said before Flacon is not alone drawn to overcome the drawbacks of Uniswap it also has its own specialty. Among that, some of them are listed below,
•    Transaction speed – fastest
•    Privacy – High-end trading privacy on ethereum blockchain
•    Transaction fees – lower it up to 80%
•    Liquidity mining – Provides FSW token while trade occurs on FalconSwap
•    Low Slippage
The FalconSwap provides highly preserved privacy that is because it upholds non-custodial token protocol to maintain its own private keys and handle the complete control over the respective asset and trade.

It benefits just don't stop here. Curious?

FalconSwap has recently joined its hands with DEXTools just to enhance its already existing benefits to the next level. To know that, we can have an overlook of DEXTools traits,
•    Responsive - On tablet, mobile & desktop
•    Notifications - Can set-up the live notifications
•    Storage - Through any device, the stored data can be accessed
•    Subscription - Buy DEXT token in exchange & pay with it
DEXT token is nothing but a token which developed by DEXTools and got used at its tie-up platforms like Uniswap, IDEX, Poloniex, BKEX, MXC, BIKI, Hoo, Hotbit, IndoEx.

Use-Case of FSW Token

Well, before looking into the use case of FSW token lets we can have a look at its origin. The name FSW itself defines where it is from, FSW token is given as a reward when the transaction is held in the FalconSwap platform. Here, we are only going to discuss the major beneficial features of the FSW token which obviously belong to the FalconSwap as said before. They are,
•    Token Burn
•    Liquidity Mining
•    Staking rewards
•    Trading fees
•    Free Discount
These are some advantages when it is coming to the usage of FSW token which leads ways to the numerous other benefits to the users as well as for other peoples too.

Hope You all have some idea about Falconswap! So, now numerous peoples are tempting to develop their own platform in DeFi for trading. Right? Then where the find the perfect experienced DeFi development solution provider will be the next question and the answer is right below...

Developcoins Creates DeFi based Decentralized Exchange Platform Like FalconSwap!

Developcoins is the best DeFi development service provider worldwide and what makes as unique from our competitors and repeat our customers again? - Know that here...

What is special about us & why we?

Our customers not alone enjoy our fruitful service experience alongside we also offer the demanding service for them & their product is,
•    Fastest Service provider
•    High-end features
•    User-friendliness
•    24/7 availability
•    Time management

What special service do we provide in DeFi platform?

We develop the platform in DeFi with the following features & much more,
•    Liquid Pool
•    Token Development
•    Token Exchange
•    User-friendly
•    Responsive
•    Uniswap function
•    Account creation
•    Secured access
•    And much more
So your own platform can be easily developed on time with advanced traits and also can be fixed any needs at any time as per request else as per the market needs. To know more about us & to develop a platform in DeFi to earn more on time for yourself….

                               Book a Free Demo!

The term FalconSwap is entirely used only for marketing purposes, and we are not connected with any of the mentioned companies in any phase. Our product's source code and design are wholly owned by us. We are not utilizing any of their copyrighted materials.

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